Positivity is a Necessity

The world seems crazy and chaotic right now so it may feel difficult to stay positive but positivity is a necessity in getting through any difficult time.

You will be healthier.

According to an American Psychological Association survey, nearly one-third of Americans say stress impacts their physical or mental health. Combat the negative effects of stress and get healthy by staying positive even on the gloomiest of days. We love to start our day with a fun, inspirational message drawn with MoodClue markers on our bathroom mirror.

Positivity attracts other positive people and situations.

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Positivity is contagious! Spread good vibes and see them work their magic. Remember, optimism isn’t about ignoring the sadness / anger / bad situation around you, it’s about acknowledging the situation and then looking past it, looking for the good and believing that things will turn out well. People are drawn to people who think this way because everyone wants to believe that things will turn out well.

Your relationships will be stronger.

When you have a positive outlook on life, naturally you have a more positive outlook on your relationship. That can only make things better, especially when you’re going through hard times.

The world will be a better place.

We are all going through hard times right now. Happiness and positivity is what the world needs!

Here are our favorite tricks for staying positive:

  • Start singing, even if you’re a bad singer — showers are a great place to start.
  • Make your surroundings highly positive — think colors, smells, textures.
  • Practice meditation or yoga — quiet your mind and breathe.
  • Be helpful to others — a kind word or gesture goes a long way.
  • Express gratitude at least three times a day — even the small things count.

Here are three of our favorite articles that include more tips and tricks to bring more positivity to your life: