Here are some of the secrets of how the most successful companies do training.
1. KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid
Keep It Simple Stupid is a great adage to hold in your head when planning an in-house training session. Training sessions should be focused on 1-2 subjects and should be done in manageable time sessions. Remember those dreaded 3 hour college lectures? Did you really learn as much as you would have if it had been broken up into three 1 hour sessions?

2. Take Away Electronics
We know. We know. Everyone hates having their cell phone or laptop taken away but even millennials, who have grown up “multi-tasking” with their phones, are better at learning new subjects when they aren’t distracted by social media, emails, etc. You can schedule “electronic time” between sessions to eliminate FOMO.
3. Encourage Doodling
Numerous studies have shown that doodling is a great way for people to retain information. The drawing process provides a cognitive benefit in making the mind deeply and intensely attentive. Try passing out a colorful MoodClue marker to each participant as they enter and encourage them to use them on laminate desk. (don’t worry they easily wash off with water).
4. Hold Their Attention
No death by Powerpoint! Be funny. Be interesting. Add some external stimulus such as adding reinforcing sounds at periodic intervals to your presentation – this could be a 5 second horn or a snippet of music. The mind works best when it is fully engaged and interested. Call on people to ask them for their input or answer a question as this also helps with engagement.
5. Give Homework
These suggestions just keep reminding you of high school and college! But there is true wisdom to making someone review what they just learned. This “homework” can be in the form of a questionnaire handed out and completed before participants leave the room. The questions should be designed to make the participant quickly remember what they just learned.